
Pacific Cycles Museum(太平洋自行車博物館)

Being honored as the king of folding bikes, Birdy has conquered the world for more than 20 years. IF Mode, the winner of the Gold Medal at the iF Product ...

Birdy Bicycle

Designed for performance and aero efficiency. The fastest trifold bicycle in the world, experience top notch acceleration, range and performance.


【限量尊榮,經典再現】限量BIRDY CLASSIC日本版極致工藝的展現,專為懂得欣賞與品味生活的您車管銀/車管黑各一台,錯過不再! ☆ 來館購買加贈BIRDY座墊 ...

捷世樂® 單車休閒~ BIRDY 全系列,新年度新色新登場

附上 BIRDY 生產的製造影片:. 來自Pacific cycles 精準的手工用心,. 買到這樣一台臺灣製造國際化水準的BIRDY 真的是很划算耶!! 喜歡BIRDY,就來一趟捷世樂 ...


​BIRDY是一種生活風格、一種態度、對於騎車的愛好者是一個理想的冒險夥伴。小到可以帶著到任何地方。展開時比大多數的自行車還要好,不論在外觀、舒適度和性能方面更是 ...

BIRDY | Folding Bikes | Pacific Cycles.Inc

60cm(H) x 33cm(W) x 72cm(L). Folding time. Derailleur. Wheel Set. Tire. Brake. Suspension Fork. Rear Suspension. Weight (kg). 11. Description.

How to unfold Birdy

How to unfold Birdy. 5.3K views · 3 years ago ...more. Pacific Cycles, Inc. 太平洋自行車股份有限公司. 3.22K. Subscribe. 26. Share.


Birdy,暱稱為「鳥車」,是由Riese und Müller所設計的摺疊自行車,1995年由台灣Pacific Cycles(英語:Pacific Cycles)生產。 目次. 1 源起. 1.1 特色; 1.2 配件.


Beinghonoredasthekingoffoldingbikes,Birdyhasconqueredtheworldformorethan20years.IFMode,thewinneroftheGoldMedalattheiFProduct ...,Designedforperformanceandaeroefficiency.Thefastesttrifoldbicycleintheworld,experiencetopnotchacceleration,rangeandperformance.,【限量尊榮,經典再現】限量BIRDYCLASSIC日本版極致工藝的展現,專為懂得欣賞與品味生活的您車管銀/車管黑各一台,錯過不再!☆來館購買加贈BIRDY座墊 ...